State Fair of Texas
Social Media
Connecting the public and agricultural stories of the State Fair of Texas community
The State Fair of Texas is one of Texas’ largest stock shows and events. Every October, millions enter the gates at Fair Park – those involved with agriculture and those who are not, but without agriculture, the State Fair wouldn’t exist. A space on social media dedicated to those who participate in livestock events provides a platform for information sharing, agricultural education, and giving a voice and face to the stories of the fair.

Our goal is to keep the audience engaged year-round, despite State Fair only lasting one month of the year. With entry deadlines, important announcements and other critical information occurring outside the one month of fair, making sure their social media content stays in feeds and keeps the audience’s interest is critical. We do this with a combination of engaging and compelling content.

The State Fair of Texas Livestock social media sees more than double the average engagement, reach and impressions for social media pages of their size, and maintains this strong reach year-round. We’ve helped grow their following substantially, answer critical questions of the audience and serve as a voice for the fair to exhibitors and their families and friends.