State Fair of Texas
Birthing Barn
Learning something new from animals that are new
The State Fair of Texas felt the need to educate fairgoers on the modern practices that livestock producers use to raise and care for their animals. As a result, the Birthing Barn was born. Created to educate and offer a unique experience. It’s become the number one visited exhibit during the 24-day event.

The overall branding with the easy readable signage and layout drew big crowds. Well, at least it supported the real stars, the newborn animals.

“In 2018 we realized that with so much misinformation out there about production agriculture, specifically livestock production, we knew that we needed to do our part in educating people on the practices and equipment used today. The Birthing Barn not only accomplishes that but allows the general public to have a livestock experience that is unique. Our goal is to have at least five live births a day, throughout the 24-day event, in hopes that everyone who enters the Birthing Barn leaves with more education and a great experience.”
– Daryl Real, Senior Vice President, Agriculture and Livestock State Fair of Texas