Katie Johnson
Art Director
Curious, Introspective, Sensitive
An avid traveler, Katie wholeheartedly believes in following your imagination and daydreaming about adventure, just like Ariel in The Little Mermaid. She likes to spend her free time planning trips, looking forward to them and then taking her family on them, even if they only last a day.
As an art director for Cultivate, Katie’s spirit of adventure and vivid imagination come in handy. Her main focus is to create graphics and promotional pieces that immediately captive people’s attention. Katie has a talent at adding a soft touch when needed, a contrasting pop of color to catch attention, and determining perfect font placement. Altogether, Katie can take a project’s vision and help visually tell the story with graphic elements. Some of her favorite creative outlets are taking projects like brochures and newsletters and revamping them into eye-catching, must-read components.
Katie may come by her wanderlust naturally. Growing up, Katie’s dad was in the Navy, so she spent time in several states before moving to Texas. But no matter where her drive for creativity and travel comes from, we know we’re better off with Katie on our team and we’re only half hoping she never wins the lottery, because if she did, Katie would travel across the world without hesitation. She would also build a house at the base of a mountain just to enjoy the view with her husband and two daughters.